What exactly is a UFO?

Let’s Talk UFOs…. New to quilting and not sure what that is? Well…. Welcome to the world of Unfinished Objects!

Or, as I like to the think of them, my forgotten to do list.

You see, I have always subscribed to the notion of that I need to have many, many (many, many, many, many, you get the idea) things to do at any given moment. I never know what I’m going to be in the mood for so I always have options. Sometimes those options include things I should have finished months (and if I’m being perfectly honest, years) ago – yes, I’m talking about those Christmas gifts from years gone by. Thankfully, my family has grown used to it and, while they might not be happy about it, they love me for who I am which includes that particular flaw.

Let’s Face It – UFOs Happen….

Moving on…. There’s not a quilter I’ve met who doesn’t have a UFO – sometimes the project is dropped because of time, resources, some sort of struggle, realized they actually hated it, etc. The list of reasons is really endless.

So what do we do with them? I currently have most of mine housed in a sterilite tub, because, well…. Space. I am definitely spatially challenged. Maybe someday that won’t be the case, but for now, I cope.

At the time I put (most of) my UFOs in that tub, they were largely tops in various states of completion- some just wanting for borders or backing. Well, since that time my list of UFOs has actually grown because WIPs (Works in Progress) and PIGs (Projects in Grocery sacks) have also officially joined the ranks of UFOs.

Hmm. Time to organize.

One does not simply organize UFOs…

I try. I really do. Sticking with it the organization is definitely the problem.

I tackled my UFOs on Sunday (yes, that’s how I spent my Mother’s Day – complete with coffee that the awesome hubby went and got for me 😊) and really the goal was simply to put them all in the same place and sort of together.

Oh, and to note them and the state they’re in on my UFO Project Tracker (which I’ve shared at the end of this post)

Yes, I said project tracker. It’s pretty bare bones – just enough info about the project so I can keep some level of organization, even if it’s minimal.

I’m sharing my bare bones tracker today because I love the idea of being able to see that there was some progress made on any given project. In a previous life I had all kinds of long term projects and to put them on a to do list was just sad. They weren’t things to be crossed off, and though I worked diligently on them the best I could do was put IP (in progress) on the line item.


Baby steps make the difference here, so I gave them to you – and though there are many UFO trackers with more comprehensive categories, these are what I’m going with since I have projects in each of these areas.

Let me be honest – I really consider them ‘done’ when the top is pieced. I have neither the space or money to quilt everything I do in a timely fashion, so I will settle for simply having all the pieces together.

Attempting to Organize UFOs

Now, even before going through them I could have told you that there were items taking up space that I have no intention of finishing. Because, let’s be blunt – if you aren’t enjoying it why are you doing it? That’s how I feel about anything I’m not being paid to do. Quilting is no exception.

What do I plan on doing with those UFOs, you ask? I think I will go through and weed stuff to give to a local quilt centered charity. I do some quilting for them at the shop and they’re pretty awesome – might as well let someone get some use out of it, right?

Again – much like that terrible book you started or awful movie you watched the first half of, don’t be afraid to let go of a project that you don’t want to or cannot finish. Your time is worth more than that!

For now, my UFOs are split between two sterilite tubs (one wasn’t quite big enough…), are logged and awaiting some further attention.

In grocery sacks.

In plastic bins.

Because, well, reasons…like I have no space for much else. One day, but that day is definitely not today…

Summer Goals… Because why not tackle what we already have?

The reason I started this now is because I really want to tackle two things this summer…





This picture is just what I separated from the piles on Sunday – I still need to go through that and actually organize it. Yup- I said it. Going to really try and focus my attention on what I already have.

I know, crazy, right?

Am I the only person who has a ‘poor’ time of year? I definitely do and it’s now through September.

I figured if I could focus on UFOs and stash busting then I should still be able to have some fun!

The checkboxes will help in this endeavor, as I will be able to tackle the more ‘complete’ project (materials wise) on those weeks when I just don’t have any extra.

How about you? Do have any UFOs or have you had success in tackling them?

Do you have favorite methods for organizing them?

Are you currently working on any UFO challenges?

Let me hear from you!

As promised, here is a link to my UFO Project Tracker – hope this helps you tackle your UFOs too!

Let’s quilt some UFOs!
