11 Crazy Things Quilters Say But Shouldn’t

11 Crazy Things Quilters Say But Shouldn’t

Hello again! Apologies for being absent for so long – between being ill and running a Cub Scout day camp, I was left without time for much else. But – I’m healthy and ready to roll with more quilting! I was perusing a Facebook group yesterday and happened upon a...

Scrap Quilts: New Adventures in a Useful Old Approach

Do You? Do you save scraps? I’m guessing the answer is yes for most quilters. The question should probably be phrased like this: Do you use your scraps? On a regular basis? Now that we are approaching this from a slightly different perspective, let’s continue. 😊 Scrap...

5 Reasons I Needed a Quilt It List and So Do You!

5 Reasons I Needed a Quilt It List and So Do You!

Gathering Place for Project Goals Sew. Why did I create the Quilt It List? The list started out as me just saying ‘hey, I want to make….’ Insert any one of the following: A monochromatic quilt A cathedral window Irish chain Purple and green Ocean themed color scheme...

Dream Big and Don’t Let Fear Stop You – My Story

A bit of background about me and how I got started quilting. I’ve been a fan of the needle arts for, well, my entire life. My Great Grandma P taught my sister and I to crochet, and while I did make a few things as a kid, I was never really good at it. By not really...

My Unexpected New Favorite Old Thing

A short post today, but I envision this topic coming up on a regular basis and I have decided to call it my new favorite old thing, or NFOT for short. Today it happens to be Stitch and Ditch paper. Now, it may amount to operator error or maybe my machine needs to be...

Top 10 Useful Tools for the New Quilter

Top 10 Useful Tools for the New Quilter So, I am highly confident that there a ton of places to find lists of "must haves"  new quilters need. That said, I’m tossing in my vote. I live in a world where sinking a ton of money into anything all at once has just never...